1000s Lose Jobs From These 7 Mistakes

Learn how to fix them today

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there 👋 - it's Abbhi.

Welcome to Career Confidence 🤝 

👋 to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career. 

Today I’ll show you the 7 biggest job search mistakes 1000s make daily and how to fix them.

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Everyone tells you to network, but no one tells you how.

And introverts are especially hesitant to network.

That's why I love The Introverted Networker. It's a weekly newsletter that shares networking tips for introverts. 

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🤯 What are your biggest job search mistakes? 

Not networking.

Not asking for a referral.

Not customizing your resume.

And many others... 

1000s lose jobs because of these mistakes.

But after today, you'll never make these mistakes again... 

Let's dive in 👇

👊 Actionable Steps 

Mistake 1: Not Networking

50% of jobseekers don’t network.

You need to network to find the right job for you.

Here's how to get started...

  • List your skills and interests

  • Research jobs online (use LinkedIn and Company websites)

  • Narrow down to 3-5 roles (what interested you the most?)

  • Speak with each role (reach out on LinkedIn)

Narrow down to 1-2 desired roles (after speaking with employees, what do you like the most?)

Ask for a referral and apply.

Message 5 people every day. You'll start to see results. 

Mistake 2: Not Asking for a Referral 

71% of interviews come from referrals.

Yet most people don't apply with one.

Here’s how to apply with a referral:

  • Identify the companies and roles you're interested in

  • Speak with people in that role (reach out on LinkedIn)

  • Keep in touch (send relevant articles, holiday messages, and job updates every 3 months)

  • Ask for a referral before applying

Steal this message 👇

Hi [name],

It was great speaking with you about [x role]. I'm applying to [x role]. It's a great fit based on my skills.

Would you be willing to write me a referral? No problem if you don't feel comfortable doing so.

I'm a great fit for [x role] because of my skills... I appreciate all your help.

Be (1) personal, (2) direct, and (3) concise.

Mistake 3: Applying to 100s of Companies

Most people waste 100s of hours applying to jobs online.

You need to be more targeted (dedicate 2-3 hours for 10-20 jobs)

But why? 

If you have a bad resume, no referral, and a bad personal brand for each application, you won't have a chance.

Here's how to apply for jobs the right way: 

  • Research roles (on LinkedIn and Company websites)

  • List 10-15 companies you love (based on culture fit and interests)

  • Find employees in desired roles (with your new found networking tips)

  • Speak with 5-10 people at each firm (gather details about the job)

  • Ask for a referral (with the message above)

Customize your resume for the role (use keywords from the job description)

Then apply... 

1 for 5 > 0 for 50. 

Mistake 4: Not Customizing Your Resume

This will cost you interviews.

Here's how to fix your resume...

  • Read 15+ job descriptions (of the job you want)

  • Find common skills (across the job descriptions)

 • Add skills to your resume (integrate the most relevant skills)

This shows you can do the job. 

And recruiters will notice.

Mistake 5: Lying on Your Resume

Lying leads to bad interviews and rescinded job offers.

Don’t add:

• Skills you don’t know

• Education you never had

• Experiences you don’t have

Learn the skills you need and create the experiences you want.

If you need a skill... 

Start a project to learn it.

Mistake 6: Not Applying Because of a 'Lack of Experience'

You can't get a job you don't apply to.

You DON’T need to have 100% of the job qualifications.

In fact... that would make you overqualified.

Do this instead: 

  • Look up the job

  • Check which requirements you meet

  • If you have >50% of the qualifications — apply

  • If you don’t, build a project and gain the experience

Don't give up before you try. 

Mistake 7: Not Preparing for Interviews

This ruins your chances of a job offer.

Yet too many people don't prepare for interviews. 

Here’s how to prepare:

• Practice common interview questions (Google "Common behavioral questions")

• Create 3-5 stories to relate to the job (Use SCARL - Situation, Complication, Action, Result, Learning)

• Research the role, company, and interviewer (Use company blogs, LinkedIn profiles, and job descriptions)

• Create a list of 10 questions to ask the interviewer (steal this guide)

Give yourself a chance... prepare for your interviews. 

7 Biggest Job Search Mistakes:

• Applying to 100s of Companies

• Not Customizing your Resume

• Listening to Job Descriptions

• Applying Without a Referral

• Not Preparing for Interviews

• Lying on your Resume

• Not Networking

🙌 Abbhi's Aces: 

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

📚 This post has 4 email strategies to 3x your response rate

🔗 This website uses Artificial Intelligence to create your resume from scratch 

And if you missed it, check out this post to master LinkedIn and use it to land your dream job.

Thanks for reading! I hope you gained some confidence in yourself and your career with this week's lesson.

See you next Thursday ✌️ 

Abbhi Sekar 🤝

Lastly... here are 3 ways I can help you: 

  1. Steal my free resume template to get your next interview 

  2. If you're struggling with your job search, request a free discovery call with me.

  3. Fill out this 20-second anonymous survey so I can create more relevant content for you

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