11 Steps to Take ASAP If You Get Laid Off

Follow these steps to land your dream job

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there 👋 - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🤝 

👋 to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career. 

Today I’ll show you 11 steps to take ASAP if you get laid off. 

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I've helped 50+ young jobseekers get Fortune 500 jobs. Reviewed 500+ resumes & LinkedIn profiles. 

If you can't land a job, schedule a call with me (click below): 

🤯 56,000 Tech Layoffs in ~20 Days

Everyone's stressed & overwhelmed... 

If you were recently laid off (or think you will be), read these tips. 

And if you need help with your job search...

Reply to this email "help" and we can chat. 

Let's dive in 👇

👊 Actionable Steps 

Apply for Unemployement Benefits

1000s are getting laid off everyday…

So unemployement benefits are gonna be overrun.

Apply ASAP.

Worst case: You get denied.

Negotiate Your Servernace Package

Read your serverance package...

Take time to sign it.

And try to negotiate the payout, insurance, and any other additions.

Process Your Emotions

Getting laid off is HARD...

If you rush into your job search, you may burnout.

Speak with your loved ones and then create your job search strategy.

Create Your Job Search Plan

You'll waste time without a plan.

Identify the job you want, the steps you need to take, and your timeline.

Then focus on execution.

Write Quantifiable Results From Your Role

Ideally you kept track of your results while at your job.

But if you didn’t, do this ASAP.

Write your big projects, results of each, and what you learned.

Use it for your resume & interviews.

Update Your Resume with the Results

Use the Google XYZ format:

Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].

Update Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your brand.

Put the open to work banner.

Update your headline with your value proposition & 3 targeted keywords.

Request recommendations from former colleagues.

Identify Your Target Role

Do you wanna do the same job?

Switch industries? Switch roles?

Identify what you want...

And where you wanna apply.

Same industry & role is often the easiest (but not the only path).

Engage Your Network

Have you called your connections?

Tell people what you’re looking for and ask if they know anyone.

Ask for intro calls. Ask for referrals.

Don’t be scared to ask for help. Your network is here to support you.

Build Your Network

Don’t have a network?

Now you need to build one…

Identify people who do the job you want.

Find them on LinkedIn & send dms.

Here's how...

Ask yourself:

  • Can you create value for them?

  • What do we share in common?

Message them about your common company, school, or interests.

Give value if you can.

Shoot 50+ Dms / day. You'll get results.

Learn From Free Resources on LinkedIn 

(1) Follow Content Creators (Reno Perry, Austin Belcak, Adam Broda, Emily Liou etc.) 

(2) Free Job Tools

🙌 Abbhi's Aces: 

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

📚 This post shares a step by step guide on how to message recruiters 

🔗 This post shares how to increase your charisma in ANY interview 

And if you missed it, check out these 7 insightful tips from 50 career coaches to ace your interviews & grow your network: 

Thanks for reading! I hope you gained some confidence in yourself and your career with this week's lesson.

See you next Thursday ✌️ 

Abbhi Sekar 🤝

Struggling to land your dream job?

Request a free discovery call with me 👇

Lastly, here are 3 ways I can help you:

Steal my free…

  1. Resume Template to get your next interview

  2. LinkedIn Creator Guide to 10x your network fast

  3. LinkedIn Profile Optimization Guide to get 10x more inbound DMs

Enjoyed these tips? 

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