5 Proven Strategies That'll Guarantee Recruiters Message You

And can be done in <30 minutes

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there πŸ‘‹ - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🀝 

πŸ‘‹ to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I'll be discussing proven strategies I've used to get recruiters to message me on LinkedIn. Highly requested from you all last week... 

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My Weekly Spotlight: 

This weekend was was so more birthday celebrations for 2 of my friends. I went back home (to Pennsylvania) for a few days and got to relax and be out of the city for a bit (which is nice). I needed a break from work and the hustle of the city :) 

Wanna Pick Next Week's Newsletter Topic? 

Take 3 seconds to vote and majority wins πŸ‘‡

No vote = No input this week 😭

Alright, let's dive into how you'll get recruiters to message you. 

Abbhi's Weekly Aces:

  ⛏ Job Search Tool: Helps you identify the perfect career for you in <30 minutes

🎯 Job Board: Helps jobseekers find entry level jobs & internships

πŸ“ˆ Trend: 17 high paying online jobs that you need 0 experience to start 

5 Proven Strategies That'll Guarantee Recruiters Message You:

Do recruiters message you? 

In 30 minutes, you can make it MUCH more likely you start getting messages. 

Wanna get the juicy details... 

Let's get started πŸ‘‡

1/ Update You're Open to Work

Recruiters can filter for users that have indicated they’re open to work.

Click "Open to work"

Update Your Job Preferences

Share with recruiters only. 

2/ Put On Your Green Banner

Click on your profile picture...

Then hit frames.

3/ Signal 'Interest' in Your Target Companies

Search for companies on LinkedIn

Filter for Your Target Companies

Go to 'About' Section and Click 'I'm Interested'

4/ Engage with Your Target Audience on LinkedIn

Add value add comments on active recruiters & hiring managers at your target companies

Filter for posts and put your target companies in "Author Company"

Add Value-Add Comments

Comments that:

  • Add value

  • Share a personal story

  • Summarize the takeaway

5/ Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Optimize Your:

  • Skills (add keywords from target role)

  • Banner (add value prop and CTA)

  • Headline (add keywords)

  • Headshot (make it clear)

  • About Section

  • Experiences

Get Recruiters to Notice You (Your Checklist)

  •  Put the Green Banner On

  • Optimize LinkedIn Profile

  • Update Your Open to Work

  • Engage with Target Audience

  • Signal Interest in Target Companies


If you’d like more help, I’ve got your back:

  1. Start landing job offers with my 1:1 coaching program and go from 100s of rejections to 2-3 job offers in ~ 4 months. I've created a new program guide to walkthrough my entire program. Get instant access here. [My coaching program is FULL, apply to be on the waitlist]

  2. Optimize your LinkedIn with my 20 page guide: It's gotten jobseekers 10-15 DMs per week from recruiters & hiring managers.

Picture of the week 

Me and my girlfriend chilling before dinner this week :) 

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!