7 Mistakes That Destroy Your Resume

And lead to 100s of rejections

Read time: 3 minutes 22 seconds

Hey there šŸ‘‹ - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence šŸ¤ 

šŸ‘‹ to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I'll discuss 7 mistakes that destroy your resume (and how to fix them).

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My Weekly Spotlight:

Fun Fact: Iā€™ve lived in the Northeast of the US my whole life, but I HATE the cold. Gotta get out of here soon. (Also the smoke in NYC this week from the Canadian forest fires are crazyyyyy)

Work update: Been fine tuning my coaching program and just took 2 new clients.

Picture: Featuring pictures from my brothers birthday!

Now let's dive into my weekly aces (queue exciting cheers šŸ„³)

Abbhi's Weekly Aces:

ā› Job Search Tool: Setup your mock interviews today 

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Alright, let's dive into the 7 resume mistakes that get you rejected (and how to fix them).

Thereā€™s No ā€˜Perfect Resumeā€™

Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard 100s of different ā€˜rulesā€™ for resumes.

Theyā€™ll differ by industry and by country. But these basic mistakes are universal. And leads to rejections.

Ready to get started?

Mistake #1: Listing Soft Skills

Show > tell. Don't list 'great communicator' (I beg of you)

Integrate soft skills into your experiences.

Takeaway: Donā€™t create a list of soft skills at the top or bottom of your resume. Instead - integrate experiences that show your soft skills on your resume.

Example - ā€œCollaborated with 15+ stakeholders to create business plan and launch new productā€

Mistake #2: Inconsistent Formatting

Keep the same:

  • Font

  • Color

  • Sentence Structure

This seems small. But itā€™s important. Different formatting will stick out. And you want the focus to be on your value, not on your font.

Mistake #3: Grammar Mistakes

Triple check your grammar.

Grammar mistakes will take attention away from your resume and value.

Some recruiters donā€™t care about grammar mistakes, but many do. And itā€™ll draw attention away from the value on your resume.

Mistake #4: No Results

Include what you did, how you did it, and your impact.

Most jobseekers donā€™t add results or impact. But recruiters love seeing your impact. Here are some exampleā€¦

āŒ Analyzed various data sets in the marketing field

āŒ Helped team setup 10+ meetings with stakeholders

āŒ Raised revenue for company by building financial model

āœ… Improved customer experience by 20% and identified new market opportunities through administering 20+ customer interviews to understand the user perspective

āœ… Prioritized 20+ technology components to build, buy, or partner through orchestrating an executive alignment workshop and conducting group exercises with the client

āœ… Raised retention by 25% and customer satisfaction by 5% through analysis on user cancellations using Excel & SQL

Another mistake - not quantifying your experiences.

A few ways to do thisā€¦

  • Monetary savings

  • Project scope & scale

  • Time-based achievements

  • Metric-based outcomes relevant to your industry

Mistake #5: Donā€™t Lie

Easy one. Lying will get you in trouble down the line.

Donā€™t do it. No matter what.

Mistake #6: Corporate Jargon

Recruiters aren't experts in your field. Don't use jargon.

And remove abbreviations.

Your friend (not in the industry) should understand your resume.

Mistake #7: Not Selling Your Story

Match keywords to your target role. And mirror the language on the job description.

This will sell your story.

How do you match keywords? Use resymatch, ChatGPT, or LinkedIn Builder.


Donā€™t make these 7 mistakes. And youā€™ll have a great resume.


If youā€™d like more help, Iā€™ve got your back:

Start landing job offers with my 1:1 coaching program and go from 100s of rejections to 2-3 job offers in 12 weeks. I've created a program guide to walkthrough my entire program.

Picture of the week

Hereā€™s a pic from my brotherā€™s bday picnic last week :)

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!