$70,000 Offer in 2 Months

Hey there,

Shreya was just like you.

You might not have the same target role or experience.

But what I mean is...she had gone through 100s of rejections and 5 months of applications with very little results.

She’s an international student from India living in Canada. She was in a new country with a completely different job market and expectations.

She tried lots of things…

but nothing worked.

“I got rejected because I have no Canadian experience”

“I’ve applied to 100s of firms with no interviews”

“I’ve tried to network but I get ghosted”

“I’m overwhelmed and burned out”

Sound familiar?

I told Shreya she needed a simple sustainable strategy

  • Get clear on her target role and companies

  • Target her resume and LinkedIn towards her ideal role

  • Start networking with current data analysts, recruiters, and hiring managers

These simple steps gave Shreya an advantage (even with no Canadian work experience).

But she also worked on getting relevant Canadian work experience by:

  • Trying mentorship / training programs

  • Volunteering in relevant industries

  • Freelancing through Upwork

What happened next...

Shreya implemented the strategy I created for her. She targeted data & operations analyst roles and found her 40+ target companies.

She upgraded her resume & Linkedin to share her story & value…

Plus she networked with data analysts and recruiters in person and online to expand her network.

She hopped on 5-10 informational calls in the first 6 weeks of working together. Then 2 of her new contacts referred her to roles.

Which led to 2 interviews.

We then did mock interviews where she practiced common interview answers and her communication skills.

I’m sure you’re thinking…

How’d she make up for her lack of Canadian experience?

  1. She had a targeted approach and told the right story

  2. She networked in person and online (led to referrals)

  3. She communicated her story well in interviews

Canadian hiring managers are looking for a combination of hard skills such as education, credentials and work experience within Canada along with soft skills or the ability to operate within Canadian workplace culture.

As an immigrant this was not easy for Shreya to convey.

She struggled to land her target job alone for 6+ months.

Together with a clear strategy and system she did it in JUST 2 MONTHS.

And She Earned a $70,000 Offer

(she couldn’t have been happier)

It’s hard to land your target role when you don’t have the right strategy.

You’ll be wasting time on the wrong path (and not getting results)

Now Shreya is living her best life at a job she loves.

And she has the toolkit to always succeed

She’s mastered the strategy and systems we put in place.

So if she wants to switch jobs in the future…

She’ll be ready.

PS - If you wanna hear from Shreya directly watch this.

PPS - If you’re ready to land offers like Shreya fill out this form to work with me