8 Must Use Networking Templates to 3x Your Response Rates

Use them to speak with 100s of Fortune 500 employees

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there 👋 - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🤝

👋 to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I’ll show you 8 “must use” networking templates to 3x your response rates.

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🤯 I’ve Spoken with 100s of Fortune 500 Employees

And I’ve used these templates to setup every call...

Most jobseekers struggle with emails & LinkedIn DMs.

You need to:

  • Be respectful

  • Focus on them

  • Give an easy out

Let's dive in 👇

(copy and paste these templates)

👊 Actionable Steps

LinkedIn DM Hiring Managers to Land Interviews

Hey [name],

I’m searching for [x] role and would love advice from a fellow [college] alumni.

Would love to grab 15 min to learn about your experience at [company] and see how I can support your career journey.


  • Be concise

  • Make a quick (15 min call)

  • Reference your similar experience

Ask For a Referral to Land Interviews

Hi [name],

It was great speaking with you about [x role]. I’m applying to [x role] and It’s a great fit based on my skills.

Would you be willing to write me a referral? No problem if you don't feel comfortable doing so.

Here are 2-3 bullets on why I'm a great fit:

  • Sentences on your experiences that align to the role

Let me know if you have any questions or you need any more information.


  • Be direct

  • Be concise

  • Give an easy way to say no

LinkedIn DM Content Creators to Build Your Network

Hey [name],

I love your content on [x topic (be specific)]. I saw you’re working on [x project], and would love to offer you help.

Let me know if I can support you in anyway. We share [x common interest] and would love to connect soon.


  • Offer to help them

  • Mention a shared interest

  • Give a specific complement

Send a Message Every 3-6 Months to Stay in Touch

Option 1: (Article)

Hey [Name],

It was great speaking with you about [x company/industry] a few months ago. I found this article [link] on the trends in [x industry] and thought you’d find it interesting.

Hope you’re doing well and excited to stay in touch.

Option 2: (Holidays)

Merry Christmas!

It was great speaking with you about [x company/industry] a few months ago. I hope you have a great time with your family and excited to stay in touch.


  • Give them value or a holiday wish

  • Send a message every 3-6 months

  • Remind them who you are / what you talked about

Send Thank You Notes After Interviews to Land Jobs

Hi [name],

I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me and discuss the [position] yesterday. Our conversation made me even more excited to join [Company Name].

I believe I'm a great fit because of [your skills that align to the role].

I enjoyed speaking about [specific topic discussed]. Excited to stay in touch.


  • Remind them why you're a great fit

  • Mention when you spoke with them

  • Mention a specific topic you discussed

Send Follow Up Messages After 3-5 Days of No Response

Hi [Name],

As a reminder, I’m interested in having a call with you about [x topic]. I was wondering if you still have a few minutes next week to connect. Excited to speak soon!


  • The shorter the better

  • Mention your call to action

  • Recap your previous message

Recommend a Friend to Recruiters (if it's not a good fit)

Thank you so much for reaching out! The role sounds great, but I’m not looking for a role at the moment [or its not a good fit].

But, my friend [name] would be a great fit and is looking for a similar role. I’d love to connect you two.


  • Be polite

  • Let them know its not a good fit

  • Recommend a friend if you're not interested in the role


  • Ask For Referrals

  • Follow Up Message

  • Message to Stay in Touch

  • LinkedIn DM Content Creators

  • Thank You Notes for Interviews

  • Recommend a Friend to Recruiters

  • LinkedIn DM Someone You Have Shared Experiences With

  • LinkedIn DM Hiring Managers You Have Shared Experiences With

🙌 Abbhi's Aces:

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

📚 This post shares the exact step by step approach you need to message recruiters

🔗 This post shares 7 tips for a job-winning LinkedIn (by infamous Austin Belcak)

And if you missed it, this post has 50 career secrets from 50 career coaches:

Thanks for reading! I hope you gained some confidence in yourself and your career with this week's lesson.

See you next Thursday ✌️

Abbhi Sekar 🤝

Struggling to land your dream job?

Request a free discovery call with me 👇

Lastly, here are 3 ways I can help you:

Steal my free…

  1. Resume Template to get your next interview

  2. LinkedIn Creator Guide to 10x your network fast

  3. LinkedIn Profile Optimization Guide to get 10x more inbound DMs

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