9 Lessons to Accelerate Your Career

That you wish you knew years ago

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there đź‘‹ - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🤝 

đź‘‹ to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career. 

Today I’ll show you 9 life lessons to accelerate your career. 

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🤯 99% of People Focus on the Wrong Experiences

If you learn the right ones, you'll accelerate your career fast. 

Over the last 5 years, I've learned life lessons to set you apart in your career. 

And most people don't follow them... 

Wanna know my secrets? 

Let's dive in 👇

đź‘Š Actionable Steps 

Lesson 1: Gain Real-World Experience 

Students are told to get a 4.0.

But a 4.0 only matters for your FIRST job. While real experience is remembered forever.

Learn a skill. Create a project. Lead a professional club.

Before you know it, you’ll be ahead of most people with a 4.0.

Lesson 2: Discover New Interests 

It's easy to explore your interests when you’re young.

Interested in business? Try an engineering class.

Interested in engineering? Try a business club.

Give new interests a chance.

I hated reading & writing…

But I got the opportunity to pursue a writing fellowship a few years ago, and loved it ever since.

Lesson 3: Gain Soft Skills

Soft skills (e.g., communication, empathy, etc.) are more important than ANY class.

Join groups on campus. Become a leader.

You’ll work with a team. Your soft skills will grow.

You’ll use soft skills in every part of your life.

Lesson 4: Start Building Relationships Now

Meet new people. Network with people in different industries.

Learn what sounds interesting, and what doesn’t.

I learned all the career advice I now share from conversations with new people.

You’ll learn something new from every person.

Lesson 5: Practice Public Speaking

Are you scared of public speaking?

Me too…

But practice makes perfect (or at least okay).

You’ll present and speak publicly 100s of times in your life.

Public speaking is a skill you’ll need to develop.

Lesson 6: Believe in Yourself

Most people lack confidence.

Confidence is the biggest competitive advantage.

No employer will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.

• Use positive affirmations

• Use good posture and smile

• Understand you’re not alone

• Leave your comfort zone

Lesson 7: Don’t Compare Your Career Journey to Others 

Comparison will deter you from your goals.

They got the job you wanted…

They got the salary you wanted…

They got the promotion you wanted…

So what.

All career journeys are different. Focus on yourself.

Lesson 8: The Prestigious Path is Not Always the Best

You don’t need to work at Google, McKinsey, or Goldman Sachs.

Everyone has a different path.

You might learn more at a smaller firm.

You might meet a great mentor.

You don’t know… But not everything is about prestige.

Lesson 9: Find What Gives and Drains Your Energy

Does speaking with people drain your energy?

Does writing give you energy?

Understand what parts of your day give you energy and double down.

If you need to network, but hate speaking to people, but love writing…

Create content. You’ll limit calls and increase writing.


  • Gain Soft Skills

  • Believe in Yourself

  • Discover New Interests

  • Practice Public Speaking

  • Gain Real-World Experience

  • Start Building Relationships Now

  • Find What Gives and Drains Your Energy

  • The Prestigious Path is Not Always the Best

  • Don’t Compare Your Career Journey to Others

🙌 Abbhi's Aces: 

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

đź“š This post has the top 5 interview mistakes most applicants make 

đź”— This chrome extension can be used to optimize your LinkedIn profile 

And if you missed it, this post has the secrets to breaking into Google:

Thanks for reading! I hope you gained some confidence in yourself and your career with this week's lesson.

See you next Thursday ✌️ 

Abbhi Sekar 🤝

Lastly... here are 3 ways I can help you: 

  1. Steal my free resume template to get your next interview 

  2. If you're struggling with your job search, request a free discovery call with me.

  3. Fill out this 20-second anonymous survey so I can create more relevant content for you

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