How to Answer the Question "What's Your Biggest Weakness"

PLUS: How to identify the 'right' weakness

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there πŸ‘‹ - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🀝

πŸ‘‹ to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I'll be discussing how to never screw up the question "What's your biggest weakness" again.

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My Weekly Spotlight:

Fun Fact: I love traveling. But I hated traveling when I was younger. Staycation was my favorite vacation.

Work update: My updated community focused content strategy is paying dividends. My comments per post has skyrocketed. (20 --> 60 per post)

Picture: From my cousins graduation & my friends bday party this past week.

Now let's dive into my weekly aces (queue exciting cheers πŸ₯³)

Abbhi's Weekly Aces:

🎯 Job Board: Unlock opportunities for recent graduates 

⛏ Job Search Tool: Setup 100s mock interviews with ease

πŸ“š Resource: 7 job boards you didn't know existed (till now)

 πŸ§² Lead Magnet: 13 ChatGPT Prompts That’ll Save You 20+ Hours (& get you hired)

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Alright, let's dive into how to answer the question: "What your biggest weakness"

How to Answer the Question "What Your Biggest Weakness"

This is a tough one...

And personally I hate this question.

But it's gonna come up. Probably a lot. I've gotten this question for nearly all my interviews.

So how should you approach it?

Use this 3 step approach:

  1. Identify your weakness (non-generic, non-essential)

  2. Show how you're working on it (specific examples)

  3. Tie it to your target job (next steps)

Let's dive in to step 1 πŸ‘‡

Identify Your Weakness

We all have weaknesses...

But how we share them in an interview is what's important.

We gotta be strategic.

Let's ask ourselves:

  • Is this an essential skill of the job?

  • How have I worked on my weaknesses?

  • Is this a weakness everyone has or just me? (a.k.a is it generic)

Your answers need to be...

  • It is NOT an essential skill to the job

  • I have been working on my weakness (and this is how)

  • This is a specific weakness I have and is true (be authentic)

Trying to be a Data Analyst?

Don't say your weakness is "not data oriented or analytical"

Why? Cause that's an essential skill for the job.

Instead say: "I struggle with public speaking" or "managing people" or "managing multiple projects at the same time"

These aren't 'essential' skills for the job. But they're specific weaknesses. It shows you searched within yourself to share a real weakness.

Okay okay so have you identified your weakness?

Resounding yes from the crowd? πŸ‘‚πŸΎπŸ‘‚πŸΎπŸ‘‚πŸΎ

Alright let's move on 😎

Share How You're Working On It

How have you been working on your weakness?

Struggle with public speaking?

  • "I've worked on leading meetings in my current role"

  • "I've worked on leading presentations in front of 10+ people"

  • "I've taken courses on public speaking and practiced outloud every week"

Show them you're making progress.

"I've improved my public speaking skills over the last few months, but I'm still working on building my confidence and speaking slower"

Be specific. Show your transformation. And that you're still working on it...

And now the step that most people forget.

Tie it back to the job. Show how you'll work on that weakness in the job. And overcome it.

Tie it to Your Target Role

How will your weakness affect your work?

How has it in the past?

How will you work on it in the new job?

Tie your answers back to the company & job.

"As a data analyst at [insert company] I'd put myself in positions to work on public speaking such as leading meetings and presentations"


If you're still confused, hit reply and let me know why.



If you’d like more help, I’ve got your back:

>>> Start landing job offers with my 1:1 coaching program and go from 100s of rejections to 2-3 job offers in 12 weeks. I've created a program guide to walkthrough my entire program.

Get instant access here. [My coaching program is FULL, apply to be on the waitlist]

Picture of the week

Here's 2 pics, the top from my friends bday and the bottom from my cousins graduation :)

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!