How to build your job search calendar


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Welcome to Career Confidence!

You ready to get one step closer to landing your target job?

Today Iā€™ll be sharing how you can build your job search calendar and stay accountable in your search.

Letā€™s dive in.

Meme of the Week:

Sometimes interviewers donā€™t want the truthā€¦

Think you have great meme skills? Reply to this email with your best meme to get featured.

Abbhiā€™s Weekly Spotlight:

Fun Fact: Iā€™ve been taking a break the last few weeks with content and hopefully will be back soon even better

Work update: Been reflecting on my target audience and thinking of making a slight shift. Excited to keep you all posted.

Picture: Pics of me and my fav cat

Letā€™s dive into this weeks best finds.

Abbhi's Weekly Aces:

šŸŽÆ Job Board: Find 1000s of experienced positions 

Your Weekly Vote:

Deep Dive

How to Create Your Job Search Calendar

Staying accountable on your job search without burning out is hard.

Iā€™ve struggled with this myself.

One way Iā€™ve coped with this is creating a sustainable job search schedule.

Obviously everyoneā€™s job search and time commitments are different. Some may have all the time in the world, while others have a full-time job and family comittments.

So do what works for YOU.

That saidā€¦ Iā€™ll go through a schedule that works for me and my clients (and may work for you).

Activity breakdown (7 days):

  • 1 hour of networking messages (2 days per week)

  • 1 hour of applying (3 days per week)

  • 1 hour of networking calls (1 day per week)

Example Schedule:

Monday: 1 hour of networking DMs

Tuesday: 1 hour of applications

Wednesday: 1 hour of networking DMs

Thursday: 1 hour of applications

Friday: 1 hour of applications

Saturday: Break

Sunday: 1 hour of networking calls

Canā€™t do 1 hour a day?

Try 30 minutes.

Iā€™m a big advocate of at least 5 hours a week (if possible) on your job search. The most important part is spending your time on high return on investment activities.

Such asā€¦

Networking, targeted applications, interview practice etc.

But how do you stay accountable to your schedule?

3 ways to stay accountable:

  1. Get an accountability partner - ideally someone else job searching

  2. Create a weekly accountability checklist - activities you need to complete each week

  3. Create ā€˜must-doā€™sā€™ and ā€˜nice to haveā€™sā€™ - this way you can prioritize key activities even in a busy week

What else have you tried to stay accountable?

Respond with whatā€™s worked for you.

If you have any (lingering) questions that you want answered in next weeks newsletter fill out this form.

How I Can Help

Thatā€™s all for today!

Whenever youā€™re ready, here are 3 ways for us to work together:

  1. Promote your business to 10,000+ jobseekers by sponsoring this newsletter.

  2. Schedule a 1:1 coaching call with me on networking, resumes, interviewing, or LinkedIn.

  3. Get on waitlist to join my 1:1 coaching program here and land your target job in 3-6 months. Review program details here.

P.S. Some other prizes include resume reviews, LinkedIn Profile reviews, monthly insider emails, and free guides - invite your friends to help you win!

Picture of The Week: Me and Jimmy

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email! find