How to Build a Powerful Network

And secure referrals & interviews fast

Read time: 4 minutes

Hey there 👋 - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🤝 

👋 to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I'm introducing, drum roll please... 🥁 The Roadmap to Referrals.

This is my secret repeatable roadmap to get you referrals & interviews fast. 

If you find this helpful, please forward it to your friends to help grow the community

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My Weekly Spotlight: 

This week has been super busy at work (my 9-5). Lots of long meetings. I got to hang out with some friends this past weekend which was lots of fun. Unfortunately I don't have much time in NYC since I'm heading out to India next week (Chennai). So if you're in Chennai, send me a message! I'll be there for about a week for my cousins wedding. 

Before we dive into (a sneak peak) of my networking secrets... I'm launching my new exclusive (1:1 60 minute) Networking Strategy Sessions today.

If you're struggling to build your network, get referrals, and land interviews... 

 🚨 Discover "The Roadmap to Referrals" to Secure Interviews Fast Without Applying to 100s of Companies 🚨

 👉  Dig into the details by clicking the Start Landing Interviews Today button below before the price goes up and my schedule fills up 👇

This is ONLY open to you (my newsletter subscribers). So take advantage ASAP before it opens to the public... 

(P.S. I've already used this roadmap to get clients referrals & jobs at Google & Adobe... check out their testimonials 👆) 

Not convinced? 

Keep reading...

 🤯 Build Your Network & Get Referrals Fast

Do you struggle with networking? 

Most of us do. 

Are you terrified of messaging strangers?  

Do you feel like you don’t know anyone you can ask a referral from? 

Are you not sure who to network with and how to find them? 

Do you feel like no matter how many DMs you send, no one ever responds? 

Or maybe you’re getting lots of responses, but you don’t know how to convert them into referrals, so you’re still getting lots of rejections?

Whichever one it is, it sucks… 

And I’ve been you in all five situations.

So now I've developed a repeatable roadmap to help you get past these challenges and get referrals fast. 

I used these exact tactics myself to get multiple referrals, interviews, and job offers (at places like Deloitte, Google, and Adobe).

So you wanna start getting referrals & interviews (asap)?

Click that big button below and let's work together 👇

Now I'm gonna share a sneak peak into The Roadmap to Referrals. 

You excited???

I am too. 

Let's dive in... 

(And if you like this, my 1:1 Networking sessions would blow your mind 🤯)

👊 Actionable Steps 

Step 1: Identify Target Professionals 

List 10-12 target companies.

Find 15 people in your target role per company. And 2-3 relevant recruiters.

Use LinkedIn to find & message them.

Prioritize people who...

Have Shared Experiences with You

Reach out to people who:

  • Have shared experiences with you (same college, past company etc.)

  • Are in junior roles (for practice) then senior roles (for power)

  • Are Hiring managers (search “target role hiring” on LinkedIn)

Step 2: Find & Message Target Professionals

Use LinkedIn to find them.

Search your “target role” and filter for "people" & your target companies.

Further filter for shared college or past company.

Confused? Let me show you...

Use LinkedIn Filters with Ease

Check LinkedIn Activity

Active Users Are More Likely to Respond 

If they post content, engage with their content for 3-5 days first.

Then send a personalized connection request based on their content.

If they don't post, send a personalized request based on shared experiences.

Steal this quick example...

Personalized Connection Request (Shared Experience)

Hey [name], I'm searching for [x role] and would love advice from a fellow [college] alumni.

Would love to grab 15 min to learn about your experience at [company] and see how I can support your career journey.

--> Follow up after a few days

(send 3 follow ups max, 3-5 days apart).

Steal My Follow Up Message 

Hi [Name],

As a reminder, I’m interested in having a call with you about [x topic].

I was wondering if you still have a few minutes next week to connect. Excited to speak soon. Thank you.

If via email, always respond in the original thread.

Step 3: Setup & Conduct Coffee Chats 

Once they agree to the call…

Setup the logistics.

Send a message with 2-3 times your available, ask for when works for them, and their best email.

Agree to a time and send a calendar invite with a zoom (or phone #).

Steal this Proven Message

I'm available 2-4 pm EST Tuesday, and 

1-4 PM EST Friday. Does a 20 min call during that time frame work for you? 

And what's your best email? I can send over a calendar invite with a zoom or phone # (whichever works best for you)

Bonus Tips:

  • Use their timezone

  • Use Calendly to setup call

Structure Your Conversations to Make a Great Impression

Start with this:

I'd love to start with introductions, learn more about your role, then ask a few specific questions. Does that work?


  • Ask for a job

  • Be too formal (or informal)

  • Lose focus (stay structured)

Wanna take it to the next level?

And create your personalized networking strategy and land interviews ASAP? 

Click Let's Upgrade my Network Today below and let's get started 👇

Step 4: Secure Referrals & Keep in Touch 

Ask for advice on roles that are a good fit.

Let them be involved in your process.

Find a job description from the company for your target role.

Send them the job description, ask for a referral, a send 2-3 sentences on why you’re a great fit for the role.

Steal This Message (Resulted in 90% Success Rate)

Hi [name], it was great speaking with you about [x role]. I'm applying to [x role]. It's a great fit based on my skills.

Would you be willing to write me a referral? No problem if you don't feel comfortable doing so.

Here are 2-3 points on why I'm a great fit for the role...

How to Get a 'Good' Referral (and avoid bad ones)

Whats a 'good' referral?

It comes from someone who can advocate for you.

So ask for a referrals from people you hit it off with and you feel will support you.

Usually more senior positions have more powerful referrals.

Keep in Touch to Build Your Relationships

Send a message every 3-6 months.

(1) Job updates

(2) Relevant articles

(3) Holiday wishes (e.g., Christmas)

Use Excel to track your network.

Columns: Name, Email, LinkedIn, Role, Last Contacted, Personal Notes

Step 5: Share & Leverage Network Opportunities 

Your network is your career safety net.

If you get fired, you have 50 people to call right away to help you.

That’s powerful.

And the best networks are interconnected...

Connect People Within Your Network 


Introductions!!! One of my favorite networking hacks.

If I know Person A, who's a Product Manager at Adobe.

And Person B who wants to get into product management. Guess what I do?

I'll Connect Person A & B

Beforehand I’ll send a quick note to both of them to see if they’re up for the intro.

Then send one group email.

This is win win win.

Value to everyone.

Let's recap...

The Roadmap to Referrals (Sneak-Peak):

Step 1: Identify Target Professionals

Step 2: Find & Message Target Professionals

Step 3: Setup & Conduct Coffee Chats

Step 4: Secure Referral & Keep in Touch

Step 5: Share & Leverage Network Opportunities

So Wanna Implement this Roadmap and Get Referrals? 

 👉  Dig into the details by clicking the Start Landing Interviews Today button below 👇

(P.S. Grab time before prices go up and my schedule fills up 👆)

P.S. I got a quick question for ya...

🙌 Abbhi's Aces: 

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

📚 This post shares some more easy networking hacks 

🔗 This post shares how to start creating killer LinkedIn content 

And if you missed it, check out 7 job search mistakes you NEED to avoid: 

👉 Looking Ahead to Next Thursday 

I've got some of the most in depth interview prep & storytelling tips coming your way next week. Once you master networking, you'll wanna be unforgettable in the interview. So start getting excited. 

Keep an eye out. See you next Thursday ✌️ 

Abbhi 🤝


If you’d like more help, I’ve got your back:

  1. Start getting interviews with my new exclusive networking strategy sessions: I've used these exact tactics to get multiple referrals, interviews, and job offers (at places like Deloitte, Google, and Adobe).

  2. Optimize your LinkedIn with my 20 page guide: It's gotten jobseekers 10-15 DMs per week from recruiters & hiring managers.

Picture of the week: 

Japanese cake dessert from a fusion east asian restaurant I went to this weekend :) 

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!