How I Convert Coffee Chats Into Interviews

At companies like Deloitte, Google, and Microsoft

Hey there 👋 - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence.

If you're new here, every week we dive into the juicy details of the job search process and how to get you hired.

Today we’ll be discussing how I convert coffee chats into interviews (+ all the do’s and don’ts)

This one’s a 3 minute read.

Let’s dive in.

My Weekly Spotlight:

Fun Fact: I went to my cousins graduation party this weekend and finally got some sunlight after a dreary week in NYC

Work update: Our community hit 10,000 jobseekers! In other news… I’m working on a video crash course (coming soon), a welcome sequence, and ads.

What’s new: I’ve launched our referral program 🎉 - scroll to the bottom of this email to find your first gift for 1 referral (and trust me the gifts just keep getting better from there » 10 referrals gets you a free resume review). Plus I’ve added a form for you to submit questions that I’ll answer weekly.

Picture: Featuring the grad party 🥳

Let’s dive into my best finds from this week.

Abbhi's Weekly Aces:

🤖 AI Tool: Crush interviews with AI-Powered tools (link)

🎯 Job Board: Secret job board for tech startups (link)

⛏ Job Search Tool: Standout through video DMs (link)

📚 Resource: Boost your salary with these quick tips (link)

 🧲 Lead Magnet: Boost your job search with 33 AI-Powered Tools (link)

Your Weekly Vote:

Deep Dive

8 Steps to Convert Coffee Chats into Interviews

#1: Come Prepared

❌ Don't rely on the other person to keep the conversation going

✅ Do come prepared with specific questions

Steal these questions for your next chat:

  • Why did you choose [x company]?

  • What are your favorite parts of the job?

  • Do you have advice for me if I’m interested in [x role]?

  • What hard and soft skills are most important in your role?

  • How did you transition from x role/industry to y role/industry?

  • “What is something you wish you knew before starting the role?”

  • Can you walk through a current project and what my role would be?

  • What are the biggest challenges of your job? How have you approached them?

#2: Be Respectful

Don't ask for a 15 minute call and talk for 30 minutes

Do watch the clock and ask them if they can still chat

This shows you care about their time.

Use this - Hey, I know we’re running short on time, but I had one last question / ask before we finish up”

#3: Structure the Call

Don't suddenly start the call without sharing context

Do introduce yourself and share the purpose for the call

Start with this:

I'd love to start with introductions, learn more about your role, then ask a few specific questions. Does that work for you?

Dive into a 1-2 minute introduction (job, experience, what you’re looking to learn, fun fact etc.,)

And let them do the same. Now dive into your specific questions (that you prepared).

#4: Share Relevant Information

Don't focus on personal details about your life

Do share relevant experiences you've had related to the role

Every conversation is a two-way street. They’ll be subtly assessing if you’re a good fit for their role too.

#5: Offer to Help Them

Don't only focus on yourself in the call

Ask about their goals and see how you can help them

They may not have an answer for you. But the intention to help them will go a long way. But if they’re working on something you think you could help with - chime in.

#6: Show Your Appreciation

Don't hang up the phone after your last question

Do thank them for their time and show your appreciation

#7: Ask for Intros

Don't ask for a job

Do ask if they know anyone else you could speak with

This is THE most slept on tip in networking. Use warm intros to expand your network.

Use this - I really enjoyed speaking with you about [x topic]. I’d love to learn more about [y topic and company]. Do you know anyone else who would be willing to speak with me about it? I’d appreciate an introduction.

#8: Follow up

Don't ignore them

Do send a follow up with details from your conversation

Use this:

Hi [name],

I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me and discuss your role at [x company] today. Our conversation made me even more excited about the role. I enjoyed speaking about [specific topic discussed].

I appreciate you trying to connect me with your contact at [x company]. I look forward to hearing from you and staying in touch.

How I Can Help

That’s all for today!

Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways for us to work together:

  1. Promote your business to 10,000+ jobseekers by sponsoring this newsletter.

  2. Schedule a 1:1 coaching call with me on networking, resumes, interviewing, or LinkedIn.

  3. Get on waitlist to join my comprehensive 1:1 coaching program here. Review program details here.

  4. Fill out this form and I’ll answer your biggest questions & challenges in next week’s newsletter (NEW)

Weekly Thoughts

P.S. Some other prizes include resume reviews, LinkedIn Profile reviews, monthly insider emails, and free guides - invite your friends to help you win!

Picture of The Week: Grad Party

Featuring my cousin who just graduated high school 💃🏽

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!