How to Find Your Target Job Using ChatGPT

And create a targeted job search strategy

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there πŸ‘‹ - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🀝

πŸ‘‹ to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I'll be discussing how to pick your target role using ChatGPT. Highly requested from you all last week... But it was a CLOSE vote. So keep voting this week and have your voice heard.

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My Weekly Spotlight:

This weekend was full of birthday celebrations. And this last week has been busy at work so don't have much else to share. As always, respond to this email with any updates on your life or job search.

P.S. I moved my Weekly Aces to the bottom of this week's edition, so scroll to the bottom to check them out (& see a pic of me and my friends from my friends bday)

Quick question...

Wanna Pick Next Week's Newsletter Topic?

Take 3 seconds to vote and majority wins πŸ‘‡

No vote = No input this week 😭

Alright, let's dive into how to find your target job using ChatGPT.

❌ Most Jobseekers Don't Know How to Pick Their Target Role

It's hard to find your target job...

There's 1000s of choices.

You want a job that:

  • Matches your skills

  • Matches your interests

  • And has growth opportunities

You ever pick the WRONG job?

It can be catastrophic πŸ’£

And you don't want that to happen again.

But you have no idea where to start...

You wanna change industries? Change roles? But don't where to go?

Now it's time to use ChatGPT.

This is gonna be your starting point.

So... you ready to get started?

Alright let's dive in πŸ‘‡

P.S. If you haven't watched The Office, I highly recommend...

How Do You Decide Your Target Role? 

You need 1-2 target roles (not 10+).

If you...

  • Don't like your current role

  • Wanna switch industries

  • Wanna switch roles

But don't know where to go.

This is for you.

Use ChatGPT to Narrow Down Your Target Role 


>> Can you give me 3 suggestions on roles / titles I should apply for based on my resume [copy resume here]

You know what you like? 

But don't know jobs to fit your interests.

Steal this prompt:

I really like marketing but not sure what roles are available. Can you give me example roles / titles in the tech industry that I could apply for based on my interest in marketing

Have an industry in mind? 

But not a target role.

Copy this prompt:

I want to work in the healthcare industry but I don't know what role I want. My past experiences was as a Strategy Consultant. Do you have role suggestions for me?

Have a target role in mind? 

And want similar roles to apply to...

Steal this prompt:

I'm thinking of applying to a strategy and ops role in the tech industry. But wanna look at other options. Can you give me suggestions for similar roles I could apply to?

Wanna learn more about the roles? 

But don't wanna find job descriptions.

Steal this prompt:

For each of these roles can you put the role name and a sample job description in a table

Let's get even more details... 

Steal this prompt:

Can you add another two columns. Highlight the hard and softs kills needed for each role. The next highlighting the growth opportunities.

Now it’s Time to Increase Your Research

  • Go to LinkedIn and read job descriptions of each role

  • Connect with people in those roles (and ask questions)

  • Go to job boards + company websites to find other roles

Ask Yourself... 

  • Would I like the work?

  • Would I learn from this role?

  • How recession proof is this role?

  • Do I have the skills I need to succeed?

  • Would this role help me achieve my long term goals?

Most questions can only be answered by someone in the role.

My Advice

>> Narrow down to 3-5 roles from ChatGPT / Research

>>> Narrow down to 2-3 roles from job descriptions

>>>> Narrow down to 1-2 roles from conversations

That's all I got for you this week.

So... how was this week's edition?

I hope it was mind-blowing...

And if it wasn't, reply to this email to tell me what was missing.

So now...


Let's dive into this week's aces (I've got some mind-blowing ones so don't miss out)...


Abbhi's Weekly Aces:

⛏ Job Search Tool: Helps you optimize your LinkedIn headline in <30 seconds

🎯 Job Board: Helps jobseekers find jobs at tech start ups in the US 

πŸ“ˆ Trend: Top 50 best workplaces to grow your career (Announced by LinkedIn last week)

πŸ“ŠStatistic: 19 mind-blowing resume stats to use to get your next job


If you’d like more help, I’ve got your back:

  1. Start landing job offers with my 1:1 coaching program and go from 100s of rejections to 2-3 job offers in ~ 4 months. I've created a new program guide to walkthrough my entire program. Get instant access here. [My coaching program is FULL, apply to be on the waitlist]

  2. Optimize your LinkedIn with my 20 page guide: It's gotten jobseekers 10-15 DMs per week from recruiters & hiring managers.

Picture of the week

Shoutout to my friend Shaya and her bday celebrations this weekend :)

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!