How to Send Networking DMs Without Getting Ghosted


Read time: 2.5 minutes

Welcome to Career Confidence!

You ready to get one step closer to landing your target job?

Today Iā€™ll be sharing how you can send networking DMs without getting ghosted.

Letā€™s dive in.

Meme of the Week:

Credit to

Weā€™ve all been thereā€¦

Abbhiā€™s Weekly Spotlight:

Fun Fact: Iā€™m super excited to see Barbie and Oppenheimer like the rest of the world :)

Work update: Considering transitioning to a group coaching model, whatā€™s your preference?

Picture: Last week my picture was missing ā˜¹ļø I've shared a few from Chicago this week!

Letā€™s dive into this weeks best finds.

Abbhi's Weekly Aces:

Your Weekly Vote:

Deep Dive

How You Can Send Networking DMs That (Actually) Get Responses

1. Message People in Your Target Role

Use LinkedIn to filter for ā€˜peopleā€™ in your target role.

Focus on people at your target companies that you have common experiences withā€¦

Such as people from your university, from the same area, or with the same background as you.

This is gonna increase your response rate drastically.

2. Be Specific in Your Message

Hereā€™s some messages that I wouldnā€™t respond to:

  1. Selling

  1. Too vague

Hereā€™s some messages that have gotten me responses:

  1. Hey Nishant - Iā€™d love to learn more about your role as a data analyst at Google and your previous role at EXL. As an immigrant in US as well Iā€™d love to understand your career journey. Excited to get in touch.

  2. Hey Neeraj - Congrats on your new role at Amazon as a data engineer! Iā€™m also a big machine enthusiast and would love to learn about your experience at Amazon. As an immigrant as well, your insights would be invaluable.

  3. Hey Milinda - Iā€™d love to learn more about your Machine Learning role at LinkedIn and transition from Twitter. As an immigrant in the US as well Iā€™d love to learn from your career journey. Excited to get in touch.

The difference?

  • Specific information

  • Relevant details

  • Short and sweet

Keep your messages relevant.

Scan through their LinkedIn profile to see what information you can use in your message.

Bonus tip - always look at how ā€˜activeā€™ they are on LinkedIn

Theyā€™ll be more likely to answers if they have likes, comments, or posts in the last 90 days.

But even with all thisā€¦ youā€™ll still get 10% (or less) to respond to you.

Why? Cause most people arenā€™t on LinkedIn THAT often. And donā€™t respond to everyone.

So itā€™s important to have quantity and quality.

3. Quantity and Quality

ā€œHow many DMs should I send?ā€

Itā€™s up to youā€¦ but I recommend as many quality ones as you have time for. Ideally more than 20 per week.

And if you send 30 and get 3-4 responses, thatā€™s a win. That could lead to multiple interviews and new connections.

So whatā€™re you waiting for?

And if you have any (lingering) questions that you want answered in next weeks newsletter fill out this form.

Audience Question From Last Week

Question: How difficult is it to find job for fall graduates (December graduates) When do they have to start their job search?

Answer: Yes there are companies hiring fall graduates. Likely the start dates will be from January - March. These companies could be hiring as early as July - September in your graduating year. So my best advice is to start early. Most graduates start looking AFTER graduation. The key is looking early (or at least start the process early). Start searching in July (right about now). This will give you a leg up as you go into your last semester. Many big companies have applications open during this time already and close around Sept/October.

How I Can Help

Thatā€™s all for today!

Whenever youā€™re ready, here are 3 ways for us to work together:

  1. Promote your business to 10,000+ jobseekers by sponsoring this newsletter.

  2. Schedule a 1:1 coaching call with me on networking, resumes, interviewing, or LinkedIn.

  3. Get on waitlist to join my 1:1 coaching program here and land your target job in 3-6 months. Review program details here.

P.S. Some other prizes include resume reviews, LinkedIn Profile reviews, monthly insider emails, and free guides - invite your friends to help you win!

Picture of The Week: Chicago Visit

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!