How to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Profile

Get 11x More Profile Views and Messages

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there 👋 - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence

👋 to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I’ll show you how to upgrade your LinkedIn profile to get 10x more inbound messages from recruiters & hiring managers.

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🤯 99% of LinkedIn Profiles are NOT Optimized

It'll take you < 30 minutes to be in the top 1% of profiles.

You'll get 10x more messages from recruiters and increased connection acceptances.

(Recruiters will be more receptive to an updated profile)

Once I updated my profile... I went from 0 to 20 recruiters reaching out each week.

Your LinkedIn profile is your first impression to recruiters...

These days, it's as or more important than your resume.

So why haven't you updated it yet?

Not sure how?

Takes too much time?

Don't think its important?

I'll show you 7 easy steps to update your profile.

Let's dive in 👇

P.S. Read till the end for a free gift 🎁

👊 Actionable Steps

Step 1: Upload a Professional Headshot

Your headshot is a recruiters FIRST impression.

Easy steps for a killer headshot:

  • Smile

  • Wear nice clothes

  • Get your iphone camera

  • Go to a plain background

  • Take photo shoulders and up

  • Upload it to

  • Analyze the feedback

  • Reshoot / edit as needed

  • Upload it to your LinkedIn profile

Upload it and your profile will be 14x more likely to be viewed.

Step 2: Update Your Headline

Don’t make your headline [Job title] at [Company]

The best headlines include:

  • Relevant industry keywords

  • A unique value proposition

Instead of “Product Marketing at Amex”

  • Use “Product Marketing | Financial Services | Creating GTM plans to increase revenue by 17% across 5M customers”

You need to add the right keywords:

  • Find 20+ job descriptions from your target role

  • Copy them into

  • Save the top 5-10 results

Find your unique value by asking yourself…

  • What impact have I had at my company?

  • How is my value different than others?

  • How have I helped my team?

Steal this format for your headline:

[Job Title] | [3 Keywords] | [Unique Value Prop]

Recruiters NEED to understand your value in <30 seconds.

You got this.

Step 3: Transform Your Banner

Customized banners can tell your STORY in one picture.

What does a strong banner include?

  • Your call to action (CTA)

  • Your value proposition

  • What do you do

  • Social proof

How do you make one?

  • Go to

  • Click create design

  • Type LinkedIn background photo (1584 x 396 px)

  • Pick your background color

  • Add your value prop & CTA

  • Upload to LinkedIn

Step 4: Add Featured Media

Recruiters LOVE featured media because it can:

  • Showcase your creativity

  • Show your first hand material

  • Highlight your impact on projects

So what should you feature?

  • Portfolios of work

  • Personal websites

  • Content you've written

Resumes don't have space to include everything.

So showcasing your projects & content on LinkedIn will set you apart.

Step 5: Upgrade Your About Section

A great about section will increase your dm and connection response rate

Your About section needs to include

  • A paragraph with your job, years of experience, and value proposition

  • 3 to 5 bullets to show specific results (can copy from your resume)

  • Your email or calendly link as a call to action for readers

  • An interesting hook to pull the reader into your story

Include keywords:

  • Gather keywords from

  • Integrate keywords into your specific result bullets

Copy this great example...

Step 6: Update Your Experiences

Align your experiences on LinkedIn to your experiences on your resume.

Recruiters look at your LinkedIn and resume experiences.

Don’t write vague summaries for your experiences.

  • Add your past and current work experiences

  • Write a 2-3 line specific and impactful summary of your experiences

  • Add relevant links to your experiences (e.g., company website, award press release etc.)

Step 7: Add Skills Based on Your Target Role's Keywords

LinkedIn uses profile skills sections to rank candidates – you need to boost your rank to get more messages from recruiters

Adding skills can increase profile views by 11x.

Here’s how to increase your rank:

  • Add every keyword from your resymatch scan

  • Choose the top 5 most relevant skills

  • Ask friends, family, and colleagues for endorsements

If you don’t have the skills…

Go online and learn the skills. Create a project to use those skills.

Then, add them.


  • Upload a Professional Headshot

  • Add Skills based on Your Target

  • Update Your Experiences

  • Transform Your Banner

  • Update Your Headline

  • Upgrade Your About

  • Add Featured Media

Secret Gift

If you want even more advice on transforming your LinkedIn Profile...

Check out my FREE guide for $0 here.

🙌 Abbhi's Aces:

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

📚 This post breaksdown how to use AI to write a Coverletter

🔗 This website has a resume builder, job tracker, and more awesome career advice.

And if you missed it, this post breaksdown the secrets to landing a job at Spotify:

Thanks for reading! I hope you gained some confidence in yourself and your career with this week's lesson.

See you next Thursday ✌️

Abbhi Sekar 🤝

Struggling to land your dream job?

Request a free discovery call with me 👇

Lastly, here are 3 ways I can help you:

Steal my free…

  1. Resume Template to get your next interview

  2. LinkedIn Creator Guide to 10x your network fast

  3. LinkedIn Profile Optimization Guide to get 10x more inbound DMs

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