How to Use ChatGPT to Ace Your Interviews

And create personalized stories & questions

Read time: 3 minutes

Hey there 👋 - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🤝 

👋 to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I’ll show you how to make ChatGPT your interview practice partner (cause we all know AI is taking over)

If you find this helpful, please forward it to your friends to help grow the community

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My Weekly Spotlight: 

This week I battled a 103 fever, came back from Guatemala, and continued my 9-5 while content creating (barely). Had to take some time off content creating but I'm excited to be back. I got to take some sweet photos of Guatemala and Volcanoes that I'll share at the bottom of the email. Got to combine two of my hobbies - hiking & photography. Have you been on any cool hikes recently? 

🗣 Community Voice  - Pick the Challenge You Want Solved: 

If none of the above, reply to this email with your challenge. 

If I get 100 responses, I'll send 7 free networking templates in my next email. 

Alright, let's dive in. 

🤯 Make ChatGPT Your Interview Practice Partner 

Most people suck at interviews.

They tell forgettable stories & ask vague questions.

Today you'll learn how to use ChatGPT to create personalized stories & questions (in <30 seconds):

You excited???

I am too. 

Let's dive in... 

👊 Actionable Steps 

Tell ChatGPT What You're Interviewing For

“I'm interviewing for an entry level Product Marketing Manager role at Microsoft [copy job description]"

The more context it gets the better

the answers will be.

Now let's make it an expert...

Make ChatGPT Your Interviewer

“You are a current Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft with 4 years of experience. You are interviewing me”

Now it's an expert. It will craft more specific questions.

Ask for Example Questions

“Based on the job description, what are 10 questions you'd ask me to see if I'm a strong applicant?”

Now you have 10 specific questions you may get asked in your interview.

Check them out below...

Personalize the Questions

“Can you customize these questions based on my resume [copy resume]”

Turn Your Answers Into Stories

“Can you create stories for each answer in the format [Situation, Complication, Action, Result, Learning] based on my resume & job description”

Ask ChatGPT For Feedback

“Based on these answers, what would your feedback be?” 

We made ChatGPT our interviewer

and expert.

So lets see what feedback it has...

“How can I address these concerns"

Prepare Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

“As an experience product marketing manager at Microsoft, what are 10 great questions you would want to be asked that demonstrates the applicant did their research”

You'll get 10 personilized questions.

Let's check them out...

Disclaimer: Don't Memorize Your Answers

Best way to practice for an interview?

Mock interviews with people at your target company.

Practice outloud and record yourself.

Use ChatGPT to draft your questions & initial answers.

🙌 Abbhi's Aces: 

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

📚 This post shares some simple networking tips from the great Austin Belcak

🔗 This post shares lesser known LinkedIn features you need to start using 

And if you missed it, check out 7 job search mistakes you NEED to avoid: 

👉 Looking Ahead to Next Thursday 

I've got great networking tips coming next week. I’m gonna unpack the exact networking process I used to get 10+ referrals in <3 months. I call it the "Art of Referrals Roadmap".

Keep an eye out. See you next Thursday ✌️ 

Abbhi 🤝


If you’d like more help, I’ve got your back:

  1. Start getting interviews with my killer networking strategy & resume revamp sessions: I've used these tactics to speak with 100s of professionals and get 10+ referrals & interviews.

  2. Optimize your LinkedIn with my 20 page guide: It's gotten jobseekers 10-15 DMs per week from recruiters & hiring managers.

Picture of the week: 

My friends and I in Guatemala chilling at a viewpoint :) 

And if you've got a moment, I'd love to hear what you thought of this edition of Career Confidence. Send me a quick message - I reply to every email!