How to Use LinkedIn to Find Your Dream Job, Client, or Company

That only 1% of professionals know how to use

Read time: 4 minutes

Hey there đź‘‹ - it's Abbhi

Welcome to Career Confidence 🤝

đź‘‹ to everyone reading this newsletter and gaining confidence in your career.

Today I'll be discussing how you can use LinkedIn to find your dream job, client, or company (that only 1% of people know).

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My Weekly Spotlight:

I'm officially back from India. I'm still dealing with jetlag which has been a struggle. The wedding was lots of fun but super exhausting. If you wanna see some pics, scroll to the bottom of the email. Now let's dive in.

âť“Question of the Week: Reply with Your Biggest Challenges

I'm starting a new series... every week I'll go over the top 2-3 questions I receive from readers. 🚨 Reply to this email with your biggest job seeking questions and challenges. I'll pick a few to answer in next weeks newsletter 🚨

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Alright, let's dive in.

🤯 830M People Use LinkedIn

But 99% of them are stuck on beginner mode...

Most don't know how to use it to find their:

  • Dream company

  • Dream client

  • Dream job

But when used right, it can do all of the above with ease.

Here's how.

đź‘Š Actionable Steps

1/ Use Quote Searches to Find Exact Roles & Jobs

Add " " to your search...

You'll ensure exact results.

For example, search:

“Senior Product Marketing Manager”

Your results will look like this...

Only includes Senior Product Marketing Managers

But results WITHOUT quotes include product managers and junior product marketing managers.

2/ Use Minus Signs (-) to Exclude Keywords

You wanna find marketing professionals not in advertising?

Search: Marketing - Advertising

Results: People who have "marketing" in their profile but not "advertising".

Here's another example...

Ex: You’re a Software Developer Who Wants a New Job 

You wanna work with Python but not JavaScript

Search: Python - JavaScript (use job filter)

Results: Jobs that mention Python and exclude JavaScript

Wanna see my results?

3/ Use the 'NOT' Command to Exclude Any Topics

The NOT and (-) functions both allow you to exclude terms.

For example, search: software developer NOT project manager

You'll get jobs to exclude "project manager" but include "software developer" in the job title.

The Difference Between Minus (-) & 'NOT'

(-) will exclude "project manager" jobs even if it doesn't include "software developer"

Got it?

Perfect… Let’s keep going.

How do we use the NOT command?

Use 'NOT' Command to Exclude Job Titles, Companies, & Experiences

Here’s a concrete example:

You wanna search for people in Finance but exclude investment banking?

Type: Finance NOT Investment Banking

👉 Secret Gift

If you want even more advice on leveraging LinkedIn...

Check out my FREE guide for $0 here.

Now let's get back to it:

4/ Use 'OR' Command to Search For Multiple Jobs Or People 

Instead of 2 searches use the OR command and combine them.

Here’s an example:

Search: Data Analysis OR Machine Learning (in the people filter)

Check out these results...

You'll get people with either Data Analysis or Machine Learning experience

5/ Use 'AND' to Combine 2 Characteristics 

Wanna further filter your searches?

Use the AND command…

Here an example:

Jobs: Project Management AND Agile 

>>> PM jobs that need an agile skillset

Use 'AND' to Search for People Too 

Check out two more examples...

1: Marketing Manager AND Technology

Results: Managers in Tech

2: MBA and 10 years in Finance

Results: People with an MBA and finance experience

6/ Use Paranthesis () to Combine Searches

Use the () command to group search terms together.

Warning... This gets advanced.

Want an example?

Data Science (Python OR R) AND (SQL OR Big Data)


Data Science jobs that require either Python or R and either SQL or Big Data

Wanna search for people?

Here's another example:

(Marketing Manager OR Product Manager) AND Technology 


Marketing or Product Managers in the Technology industry

6 Advanced LinkedIn Search Techniques

  • Quotes (" ")

  • AND (both)

  • NOT (exclusion)

  • OR (1 or another)

  • Minus (exclusion)

  • Paranthesis (combinations)

Secret Gift

If you want even more advice on leveraging LinkedIn...

Check out my FREE guide for $0 here.


If you’d like more help, I’ve got your back:

  1. Start getting interviews with my exclusive 1:1 60 min career coaching sessions. My clients have landed roles at Google, Microsoft, and other Fortune 500 firms.

  2. Optimize your LinkedIn with my 20 page guide: It's gotten jobseekers 10-15 DMs per week from recruiters & hiring managers.

👉 Thoughts on Today's Issue?

🙌 Abbhi's Aces:

Content to consume, Tools to use. Best finds of the week.

đź“š This post shares a client case study on the steps a jobseeker took to land their target role

đź”— This post shares how to identify what role is the right fit for you

P.S. If you missed it, check out my post how to land your target role as an immigrant.

Picture(s) of the week: